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Its not a lot different to fabricate quartzite except that it is so much harder than any granite that I've worked with. It really slows down your production and wears out the tooling and polish pads. Thank goodness for good machinery. Be careful of the translucence of quartzite.  It's similar to onyx in that underlayment color differences can make it appear different shades. You have to be careful when mounting kitchen sinks. I normally use the T-31 anchor system but on quartzite we opt for a sink support frame.

Media reporting on radon gas in granite has resulted in a confusing and emotional issue for many consumers. These reports have made many homeowners hesitant and unsure whether or not to install granite counter tops in their homes. Radon gas is an outgassing of natural radioactive material. It is found in all natural products from dirt, rocks, trees, plants, gypsum, etc.


Come see us January 21-23, 2011 at our booth at the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds in Oklahoma City.  This is the premiere OKC Home and Garden Show and typically attracts upwards of 50,000 visitors. This show provides an excellent chance for anyone thinking about possible remodels, building a new house, moving and looking for decorating ideas, even cooking demonstrations.

With the increasing popularity of outdoor living areas, we find more granite being used for surfacing etc.  Some customers have called asking about whether it is possible for granite to fade. They feel the color is not as vibrant as it was when it was installed.

There is wide use of dyes being used in the Natural Stone industry. Some of the dyes are uv resistant and outdoor use will not affect their color. Others have been found to be affected by uv rays over time and will cause a change in the perceived color.

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