Radon Gas in Granite

Media reporting on radon gas in granite has resulted in a confusing and emotional issue for many consumers. These reports have made many homeowners hesitant and unsure whether or not to install granite counter tops in their homes. Radon gas is an outgassing of natural radioactive material. It is found in all natural products from dirt, rocks, trees, plants, gypsum, etc.

Dr. John McCarthy, president of Environmental Health & Engineering, a public health consulting firm in suburban Boston had this to say; "A considerable amount of research has been published in peer-reviewed scientfic literature and all of it comes to the same conclusion: the levels of radon emitted into the air from a granite countertop are not excessive and not showing any risk for the population in their homes. To properly measure radon, one must caluclate the emission rate in connection with the area of granite and the volume of air in the home. To get even close to the type of dangerous levels of radon exposure that's been reported in news articles recently, a consumer would have to completely seal off the room and stay in that room 24/7 - for 72 years."

The American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists (AARST) said in a statement released August 4, 2008, "Soil, sand, and rock underneath the home are the primary sources of indoor radon gas.....(one) method to reduce radon levels in the home is by increasing  the entry of outdoor air into the home"